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contoh kalimat school of

"school of" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I am from the renowned Wah School of Swordmen.
    Saya dari perguruan pedang Wah yang terkenal.
  • I applied to the Paris School of the Arts.
    Aku melamar masuk sekolah seni di Paris.
  • Is he at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
    Jika dia pergi ke Hogwarts, sekolah sihir.
  • J.D. Program is offered through the Graduate School of Law.
    Program J.D.ditawarkan melalui Sekolah Pascasarjana Hukum.
  • Welcome... to the Oswald Cobblepot School of Driving.
    Selamat datang di sekolah mengemudi Oswald Cobblepot.
  • Georgetown Law, Kennedy School of Government.
    Dia lulusan jurusan Hukum Georgetown, Kennedy School of Government.
  • He sent Miles to Juilliard School of Music,
    Dia mengirim Miles ke Sekolah Musik Juilliard,
  • He's going to the Rhode Island School of Design.
    Dia akan belajar di sekolah desain Pulau Rhode.
  • Didn't that "School of Crows" teach you anything?
    Bukankah "School of Crows" itu mengajarkan sesuatu?
  • A graduate of the Shaolin School of Martial Arts.
    Seorang lulusan Sekolah Seni Beladiri Shaolin.
  • Come on, it's the Chicago School of Music and Dance.
    Ayolah, itu Sekolah Chicago Musik dan Tari.
  • It is a brochure for the Philadelphia School of Textiles.
    Ini brosur Sekolah Tekstil Philadelphia.
  • This is a school of exorcism, is it not?
    Itu sekolah untuk pengusiran setan atau bukan ?
  • (Sungkyunkwan - the top school of the time period)
    (Sungkyunkwan - sekolah terbaik saat itu).
  • The government-run school of his village was totally defunct.
    Sekolah negeri di desanya hampir semuanya sudah ditutup.
  • I happen to have studied at the Lincoln school of music.
    Aku belajar di sekolah musik Lincoln.
  • Graduated from the unaccredited Chesapeake School of Law.
    Lulusan dari Sekolah Hukum Chesapeake tanpa akreditasi.
  • I attended the school of journalism at Ohio university.
    ...di Ohio University. - Mr. Odom.
  • He apparently started a school of law at Constantinople.
    Dia ternyata mendirikan sebuah sekolah hukum di Konstantinopel.
  • Chhillar has also attended the National School of Drama.
    Chhillar juga menjalani studi di Sekolah Drama Nasional.
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